The story behind K1ever Ottawa is the following.

I recently landed in Ottawa and wanted to keep following my passion for design. I decided to create another online presence for me that I used to have in my home country. 

IAfter a time of research and brainstorming Klever was born. The message behind it is that in my opinion design is not 100% creativity. A design should be clever in a way as well to come up with ideas that hit and appeal. Plus, I want something to represent me, so I changed the “C” to “K” which is the first initial of my family name. 

Now, I am happy with the name and meaning, next step will be to book the domain. Unfortunately, the domain was taken. I started looking at it from a different perspective in order to find any other solution. 

After a few moments, I changed the “L” in Klever to “1”, and now we have K1ever, which will be read Klever as well. K1 stands for “awesome” in the social media world and to the boxing fight. 

So now K1ever represents my profession, my personality, my background and what I will do for my clients. marketing logo

You can find K1ever Ottawa on instagram and facebook, so you can be updated with all the news, and offers.

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